HVII-R Series

Powerful, versatile, and low cost of ownership. A lightning-fast “hybrid” CO2 laser in every sense of the word.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the HVII-R series represents the newest addition to our “hybrid” line of CO2 lasers, bringing together the cutting power of most high-powered lasers in a small, economical form factor. It’s also one of the most versatile, user-friendly machines on the market.

The HVII-R series features advances in user accessibility, gas flow, beam quality, and processing capabilities—from normal flat-sheet processing to tubular and preformed parts—while still allowing for exceptional plate-processing performance. In every way that counts for your business, the HVII-R series brings unsurpassed performance at the lowest cost of ownership of any machine in its class.

HVII-R Series


  • Where some people see words like “new” or “cutting-edge,” others might see “unproven” and “expensive.” The HVII-R series brings together all the very latest in laser fabrication technology from Mitsubishi—a market leader since 1977—to create a machine streamlined to drive overhead down. It makes a difference you’ll really be able to feel.


  • This lean machine can punch far above its weight class. The comparatively small size of the HVII-R series means it needs fewer resources than most other CO2 lasers on the market. That means it can help you rein in operating costs, keeping your margins nice and comfortable without sacrificing production capability.


  • Spend less time fixing mistakes and more time shipping products out the door. Whether you’re working with thick-plate stainless steel or high-grade aluminum, Mitsubishi CO2 laser machines can produce best-quality beams that leave your leave your edges smoother, burr-free and aberration-free.


  • Optimizes gas flow and beam quality while allowing for exceptional plate-processing performance
  • Reduces setup times due to easy-access work area and easy-to-operate design
  • Processes thin or thick workpiece applications
  • Reduces deburring of sheet metal applications
  • Enables quick addition of a vaporization function for low-adhesion plastic covering or materials that have an oxide on the surface of the material thanks to the Double Cut function


  • Mitsubishi Super HP control, which increases the accuracy of high-speed cutting on thin materials
  • Dross Reduction Control to combine real-time power ramping with acceleration or deceleration, dramatically reducing dross adhesion and thermal influences
  • MELS EYE option for plasma detection, auto-focus, and burn detection
  • Intelligent Assist gas monitoring to prolong part life
  • Automatic quick-assist gas change function
  • An expanded part-processing area to minimize clamping “dead zone”
  • A High-Precision Positioning function, which can locate existing features within a part to cut additional features on the laser (optional)
  • A rotary axis for high operability (optional)


  • remote360°-enabled (remote user monitoring, diagnostics, service support, and more)
Maximum Workpiece Size: in (mm) 96 x 48 (2,440 x 1,220) 120 x 60 (3,050 x 1,525)
Rapid Travel Speed [X, Y]: in/min. (m/min.) 1,968 (50) single axis
Machine Unit Dimensions: W x H x D in (mm) 127.8 x 256.9 x 102.5 (3,247 x 6,525 x 2,605) 139.6 x 286.4 x 102.6 (3,546 x 7,275 x 2,605)
Available Resonators: Model Number (Wattage Output) 20XF, 32XP, 45CF-R


Are you searching for a specific solution to fill that empty spot on your shop floor? Do you need to build integrated manufacturing cells from the ground up? You’re in the right place. Our expertise spans virtually every aspect of metalworking.

  • "We’re excited with all of the things that Mitsubishi Laser is bringing to the marketplace because it helps us achieve our goals of being profitable and having sustainable growth."

    Si Cha, Olympic Steel's plant manager of the Buford location’s Fabrication Division learn more
  • "It is just a mind-blowing, amazing machine. I had never been sold on fiber lasers because of micro-burr and concerns about edge quality, but the GX-F has burr reduction technology that makes burr non-existent."

    Cody Waggoner, President of Lasernut learn more

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